Monday, January 12, 2009

Yes, it's another blog!

I have had my website ( for some time now but the thing is, they charge a fee- an expensive one. As much as I love being able to update a batch of pictures at a time and how easy that is to do from my computer, the ease of it all matters little since I just don't do it. I also get my email address (, but I have a gmail address now ( and that is preferable anyway.

So, hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to blogger I go...I hope that this website will be filled with wonderful pictures and commentary of these children. I plan to update weekly (or more). I am going to put an RSS reader on this blog so you should be able to subscribe through your email and it will just send you out anything new that is posted. Otherwise, keep checking back and pester me with emails whenever its been too long!

1 comment:

  1. Hi sweetie!! My goodness it's been so loong! How's your family? I heard y'all were moving to Colorado!

    We are all pretty good. Daddy has one more chemo treatment (fingers crossed). Mom is being mom... trying to take care of everyone but herself! hehe. Lisa's as good as can be expected (divorce is never a fun or easy thing).

    Keep in touch!
