Yesterday we had a big evening. We stayed out late at my mom's house, just hanging out and playing. It was nice having a three-day weekend to have a day completely off to relax, so Sunday night we were able to spend a little more time than usual just playing. Eric had gone home earlier because, unlike Mom, he had to work, so he headed home to sleep. The kids and I didn't get home until 11:10 pm!!! At which time, I, obviously, put them to bed.
Two days ago, I woke up to a loud noise in the kid's room and when I went in, their heater was making this awful noise and it was bright red. It freaked me out a little a lot and I turned the heater down, all the way down, and so it has been freezing at night. I have dressed them in their warm jammies and used their extra blankets. Both of them sleep under their covers and don't kick them off, so I didn't really worry about the cold, but it got really cold last night. I suppose that was the reason that they woke up at 6:15 am this morning.
Of course, they were beat by the time naps came around and though we had tentative plans to do something fun with Mom again, the kids did not want to get up. This is them refusing to wake up. I had been in the room singing to them for about five minutes. Noah didn't budge.

You will notice that Noah is wearing his favorite outfit: a diaper. By this time, I had put in a space heater and their room was nice and toasty, so don't be alarmed.

By this time, Jordyn had woken up, but was not happy about either the waking up or me being in her room. It was as I was coming around her bed that she said in her most ornery voice, "Mommy, take pictures to yourself." Of course, she rolled over to avoid the flashing light.
Noah still wasn't having it. It wasn't until I rubbed his head that he reluctantly got up.
Anyway, there are some pictures of my beautiful children, even if they are asleep.